Mother of Zoey and co-founder of Zoey's Light Inc. I've helped countless families navigate tough and difficult times when the worst news of their life is weighing on them
Father of Zoey and co-founder of Zoey's Light Inc. I've traveled the world in search of a cure for DIPG and spent countless hours looking into the next treatment to keep the ball rolling.
Mother of Zoey's best friend and accomplished patent specialist. I bring a passion and drive in all communities for helping others.
Ben, Casey and Heather are dedicated to helping kids achieve a moment of happiness. Their passion to pass along Zoey's
excitement and love, not only in their community but around the Western New York, has been the drive to start this
charity. Zoey loved meeting new people, going new places, and having the best experiences possible. Whether it was
getting new stickers and coloring books, meeting Batman, or touching the moon (in Washington D.C) her excitement at even
the smallest moments was one of the best things in the world.